
Thursday, February 7, 2013

God Is At Work At All Times & In All Things

While I do not have a miracle healing the results from the CT Scan show the tumors are less dense and my cancer “marker” (from a blood sample) has continued to drop. The lesser density means the tumors are dying leaving behind dead cells. Dr. Strauss decided it is time to change chemotherapy protocols, so I start next week with the protocol he first suggested way back when all this started, with some changes based on recent studies. It is great news and more evidence that God is at work that the doctor thinks my liver and kidneys can now handle the regimen. I will start this next Tuesday. The Adventure continues and we are back in the Waiting Room (Check out the Blog if The Adventure and the Waiting Room references do not make sense). Julie was a super Shadow Soldier while Dr. Strauss was with us. She has had a rough three days with no sleep and a lot of seizures. The seizures held off while we were at the doctors and started back when we got in the car. She is doing better tonight but she is still having seizures.

When I reflect back on the last four months it takes my breath away. I have experienced the closest walk of Faith in my entire life and feel closer to God because of it. That is the effect that “trials” have had in my life. When life is easy and the sun is shining, as they say, we often look up to see the sky, not to worship the Lord. Why does it take troubling circumstances for us to look for God? I know I am not the first to ask that question but I can testify that I fell into that trap more than once in my 62 years of life. I will relate a funny story that kind of illustrates my point. I was walking with a fellow worker reading a message on my BlackBerry near the old Republic building happy as a lark and enjoying the day. As I was not fully aware of my surroundings, I failed to notice that one of the iron covers that surround the trees in the front of the building had been removed. You are probably ahead of me with this already because it was just like some of those You Tube videos we all laugh over. Yes, I stepped where the grate should have been and proceeded to do a somersault onto the sidewalk. In the process I kicked a package of cigarettes out of the hand of a woman walking the opposite way with my foot. I was flat on my back looking at the sky asking the woman if she was alright while she was staring down at me asking if I was alright. I believe that situation is why the word humbling was created. She was fine and I was fine but it took a pothole for me to look up at the sky, think about others, and stop perseverating on the BlackBerry. You might ask if I learned my lesson and stopped reading BlackBerry messages while walking. Sadly I did not, but that also illustrates my point about how quickly we go back to the status quo with God.

My foundation is Christ. My worship is for God. My wisdom is from the indwelling Holy Spirit. God has sustained me and He will heal me. The verses in 2 Corinthians 1:20-22 For as many as may be the promises of God, in Him they are yes; wherefore also by Him is our Amen to the Glory of God through us. Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge. We are in the Waiting Room again but we are not alone and we are not dismayed. The Adventure continues and we are refreshed because we are not alone. We have God and we have all those who are praying for us. Please keep praying and know that your prayers make a difference. Thank you, Price

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