
Monday, July 29, 2013

Strength, Peace, Wisdom

It truly has been very busy around here since we got Price home from the hospital.  For the first day Carol and my friend Cathy were here.  I was amazed at how busy three women could be just holding things together.    After we got home Price’s throwing up escalated to every few hours including all through the night for several days.  This was very hard to watch Price go through.  And, as usual, there was not one complaint.  This situation also made it very hard for Price to even talk.  Our prayers were answered on Saturday when we tried a drug ordered for hiccups and not only did the hiccups stop, but the throwing up stopped!     We are very thankful that he still has not thrown up!  We can now have small wonderful conversations.....though Price remains very weak and has no energy to do anything.  He gets short of breath with mild exertion.  He has trouble getting comfortable, yet denies that he has pain.  The big CT that was scheduled for last week did not happen because of different things related to the last hospitalization.  Instead we will get a MRI tomorrow to determine the plan for the future.  We meet with the doctor on Thursday to discuss the results.  So those days will be milestones of information.   We ask for prayers for strength, peace, and wisdom in planning. 

Love and "Thank You" to All,


John 16:33 (English Standard Version)

33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Monday, July 22, 2013


We are home!!! I apologize that it has been so long since the last update. It is amazing to me how fast the last 5 days have flown by. To fill you in, Dad was transferred out of the ICU to the PCU last Thursday. These have been busy days of healing, recovery, and many answered prayers since the initial assault. But it feels good to have everyone home under the same roof.

While in the hospital, we enjoyed spending time with so many dear visitors. Dad’s old coworkers from Oncor really lifted his spirits, all the church friends were a blessing, and everyone on the unit thought we were throwing a party in Dad’s room when my aunt, uncle, and cousins were all together watching the British Open. Each of the visitors reminded us of all the amazing people who have become part of “Team Robertson” through prayer. Thank you!

We are so thankful for your prayers! Dad has completely stopped throwing up! The sepsis has subsided! Dad has even started eating popsicles! Julie did great all weekend and we had a lot of fun sister time with Catherine in town! It has been a joy to see God work each day through this current adventure.

We still covet the prayers of everyone on “Team Robertson” this week. Here are some specific ways you can join us in prayer:

Dad has a lot of fluid build up. Please pray for this to subside.
Pray that he will be cleared to have his CT scan Thursday.
Please pray that his pain and throwing up would continue to be in check.



Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Today, I am hoping Price will get to transfer out of ICU. A few more studies and procedures remain, but I am hopeful. From my point of view he seems very much improved. He is having a few new pains, which the medication is covering. He has restarted his feedings in earnest and we are praying and hoping the throwing up does NOT reappear. It has been absent this entire time in the hospital. That has been wonderful for Price. 

I want to thank Cathy, Melanie and Kerry for their help in the logistics, especially covering with Miss Julie. We are thankful for the faithfulness of Price’s brother who calls daily and gives us confirmation and support, but especially during acute care times in the hospital. I read all the e-mails to Price and they strengthen us both. The scriptures and prayers sent to us are truly the BEST medicine. This adventure could be described as a quick whirlwind &/or a long slough. It feels like both. 

Thank you for your faithfulness, as He is Faithful, so Faithful.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Thank you all for praying!! Dad continues to show improvement with all the right clinical numbers trending in a good direction. Or as dad has been calling them today his KPI (key performance indicators)...always the engineer.

He did wonderfully sitting in his chair all day, he really doesn't like those hospital beds. Always hard to keep him in them! :) The doctors have made progress in identifying a specific strain of bacteria in his blood that will lead us to the possible source of his infection. This is great progress.

He looks better and even had a nice visit from the new pastors at my parent’s church. We had a wonderful time of prayer, communion and fellowship. Also, my mom’s dear friend from 6th grade (or as we call her, Aunt Cathy) is in town and has been a great help and comfort.

Thank you again for your prayers and please continue to keep them up!



Sunday Afternoon, July 14, 2013

Hey guys!

Just wanted to fill you in on how dad is doing. Right now he is in the ICU at Baylor Hospital Grapevine.

He has developed an infection so they put in a central line and they are giving him lots of fluids and antibiotics. They aren't real sure where the infection originated. All this intervention and your prayers have helped him stabilize! Right now it looks like he will be in the hospital for 4 days at the minimum.

Please continue to pray:

That they are able to find the origin of the infection.
That his organs are protected.
He will get to go home earlier than 4 days!
Strength for my mom and dad through this whole thing.
That Julie wouldn't have any seizures!

Thank you all for all the encouraging verses, texts, emails, and offers to help. You guys are our tangible "love letters" from God. We are so grateful for each of you.


Sunday Morning, July 14, 2013

Dearest friends and family.

We could really use yall's prayers right now. Dad was taken to the hospital this morning. Not sure what is going on. Please pray! He had such a good day on Thursday after we sent the prayer update the day before. Prayer is so powerful! I will send an update on his status as soon as I hear anything.

Grateful to not be in this fight alone.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Robertson Bed and Breakfast

Wow, it has been almost a whole month since we have updated the blog.  The month of June brought us many special visitors that blessed us so much.  It was great to see Teresa, Wayne and Luke from New Mexico and Cathy, Janice, Micah, and the boys from Midland.   My friend from college and nursing school, Sylvia, came from Virginia.  It has been decades since we have seen each other, yet it was like the time did not pass.  Barb and Dirk from Georgia were a blessing and such a help.  Since we have not been able to get to Colorado, some of our Colorado Family came to Texas! We would have much preferred to have a “Jeepnic” on top of Saxon Mountain, but came up with a substitute, a “Citynic” on top of the Omni Hotel in Dallas.  Price enjoyed the time from a very comfortable chair with a wonderful view of the city.  The best part was spending the time with Kim, Pete, Claire and Gracie.  Carol and Catherine have both been here often.  They are a joy and a huge help.  All our special visitors brought us much happiness, support, and joy.

Price finished radiation June 27th.  The post radiation period has hit him especially hard leaving him very tired and weak.  He is also having frequent episodes of vomiting/dry heaving .  We are thankful that the J-tube he received in May is supplying all the calories and water he needs.  This has helped him maintain his weight.  We are trying different therapies to help with the retching.  Price is also having more discomfort.  This is usually controlled by simple oral medication.  A CT Scan is scheduled for July 19th.  The results will help us determine the next steps.  We are taking each precious day at a time.  Please continue to pray. 
