
Monday, July 22, 2013


We are home!!! I apologize that it has been so long since the last update. It is amazing to me how fast the last 5 days have flown by. To fill you in, Dad was transferred out of the ICU to the PCU last Thursday. These have been busy days of healing, recovery, and many answered prayers since the initial assault. But it feels good to have everyone home under the same roof.

While in the hospital, we enjoyed spending time with so many dear visitors. Dad’s old coworkers from Oncor really lifted his spirits, all the church friends were a blessing, and everyone on the unit thought we were throwing a party in Dad’s room when my aunt, uncle, and cousins were all together watching the British Open. Each of the visitors reminded us of all the amazing people who have become part of “Team Robertson” through prayer. Thank you!

We are so thankful for your prayers! Dad has completely stopped throwing up! The sepsis has subsided! Dad has even started eating popsicles! Julie did great all weekend and we had a lot of fun sister time with Catherine in town! It has been a joy to see God work each day through this current adventure.

We still covet the prayers of everyone on “Team Robertson” this week. Here are some specific ways you can join us in prayer:

Dad has a lot of fluid build up. Please pray for this to subside.
Pray that he will be cleared to have his CT scan Thursday.
Please pray that his pain and throwing up would continue to be in check.



1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear he is doing better! Will definitely keep all of you in our prayers.
