
Friday, November 9, 2012

The First Two-Week Chemo Round Is DONE!

Price wrote an update last night.  It was a momentous day since he finished his first "round" of Chemotherapy.  We thank everyone for your prayers.  I know it is what sustains us.  We have our Robertson Family Prayer List on our coffee table where we are carefully recording and praying for all the prayer requests passed on to us from you! We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.  Psalms 78:4 - Jan
From Price:
I just took the final Chemo pill for the first round of Chemotherapy. I now have seven days with no pills or infusions. The amazing part of the last two weeks is that I have not had a single moment of all the side effects that come with Chemotherapy. I attribute that to the tremendous power of prayer and a loving God. There is a lot of truth and applicability packed in the following well known verses from Philippians, Philippians 4:5-7 Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Those verses embody what the last two weeks have felt like for me. I have experienced the peace of God, due in a large part to all the tremendous support I have received. What I have come to understand is that a forbearing spirit is vital to following God’s plan in one’s life. For me a forbearing spirit is a magnanimous outlook on life that lets me stand confidently with God on a daily basis. From that position, with all the support I spoke of earlier, I have lived on a moment by moment basis surrounded with the peace of God guarding me in ways I could have never imagined before.

The last weekend and week brought a great visit from my brother and his wife, my daughter Catherine, and some of my high school friends who were in town. It was a great weekend with family and an unexpected opportunity to see some very dear old friends. More love letters from God. Jan and Julie have walked this journey step by step with me, which is so special. Prayers would be in order for the high blood sugar levels and falling blood lab values, which are to be expected based on the normal progression of Chemotherapy. I rejoice that I am free of pain, have the old energy levels back, have an appetite, am able to work a full day, and I have even gained a few pounds. All of that is such a blessing from God due to the support from everyone. I am in the “waiting room” period of this journey. The next CAT Scan will be sometime in January. That is the defining moment for the doctors as to whether or not the Chemotherapy has had any impact on the cancer. I already know that the cancer has been hit hard from all the prayers. That feeling I have is also due to the peace of God I spoke of earlier. I have found that the waiting room is a great place to be while God and the myriad of people who are lifting me up are with me in that place. It could be a time of doubt and uncertainty that would weigh heavily on one’s soul. The enemy uses those times to separate us from God, cast doubt about the future, and generally make us miserable. I am free from all of that because the enemy was defeated, in my circumstance, by the power of Christ from day one. God is with me in the waiting room as are all of the people lifting me up. Thank you for that amazing gift and for your continued prayers. I start the next round of Chemotherapy on November 16th. Please continue to support us going forward as you have in the past. I understand what a precious gift the support is and the price it comes at. Thank you, Price

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