
Sunday, August 4, 2013


This particular stage of the journey continues for Team Robertson. Just as an update: hospice gave Dad some good medicine early Friday morning, so much so that he slept all day. Sleeping beauty finally woke up on Saturday and was able to talk with us. He was definitely more himself. We have to share a hilarious incident that happened yesterday (Saturday). It felt like a scene straight out of a movie.

My dad's brother's family is in town and we had just finished eating an amazing lunch prepared by mom's dear friend Cathy. Mom had just looked at Dad and said he doesn't look right and put some oxygen on him. Right after she did this, Dad looked up at us and said "goodbye". We thought, well this is it. Jesus is going to take him home. So we all gathered around him telling him how much we love him. Mom asked him if Jesus had told him it was time and he said yes. It was a beautiful moment of surrender as we released him to go to Jesus. There were lots of tears and beautiful worship music playing in the background.  The song lyrics at that moment were even saying "Oh, I am running to your arms, running to your arms". It was perfect. Then dad looked up at us and said "For some reason I am going to stay a little longer". There was a slight moment of pause as we all digested what he had just said. Then everyone burst out laughing. Even dad. He then said with a mirthful smile, "I want to sit up... I guess that was just practice." My uncle said without missing a beat, "Well, how did we do?" Dad said we did great. What a dress rehearsal!

I know this story could sound a little morbid, but honestly it was a breath of fresh air to us. Laughter truly is the best medicine. I think the best part was consciously realizing the finality that Dad will be going to a better place whenever God calls him home. This earthly suffering is just temporary. Glory is coming for him! Praise God for this. Praise Him that a way was made for us through Jesus' suffering. In that one act on the cross all sin and death was defeated and was replaced with glory. John 3:16 becomes more than just something to write on posters at baseball games, it becomes amazing Truth with a great promise.

We are grateful for each of you. We know that God has a plan and purpose in the timing of all of this. Please pray for continued grace for both dad and our family as we try and walk through this leg of the journey. God is with us. We feel your prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Best medicine, indeed. It's clear there is a hope that surpasses human understanding in the Robertson clan. This made me laugh out loud. Prayers today for comfort and strength and peace for all of you.
    In His Grip,
    Joe Fornear
