
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 5- update email

Today is the day of Dad's ERCP/EUS procedure at noon at Presby Dallas. Please join me in prayer for this procedure and for healing from the jaundice. He is very yellow and very itchy. He said even the bottoms of his feet itch at times! Once the stent is in, he should feel a ton better. The biopsy results should be back in a couple days so we can better know what kind of cancer we are dealing with. And after the bile duct shrinks down we will go get an MRI so that the surgeons can determine if the tumors are operable. It will also take a couple days for everything to flush out of his system. Please ask God for complete healing in all these things. 

My Dad is doing so wonderful. His faith is so strong! He said, "I know that I know God has a plan for me. I can rest in His love and not be anxious about anything. His timing is perfect and my job is to follow His lead with the doctors, asking for prayer and support all along the way." Wow. I am so blessed to bear witness to such an "unshakable faith and unstoppable joy".

Also, please pray for sweet Julie's seizures. Yesterday was a rough one. But she was able to get some really good sleep last night so that is a huge blessing!

Some more little "love letters" (answered prayers) from God:

God put my family on the heart of one of my good friend's in Austin last Thursday before she/we even knew about the ultrasound on Friday. She said that she was specifically impressed to pray for my dad. This was puzzling to her because she had only met him and my family once several years ago when she stayed at our house. How awesome is our God to cover my family in prayer even before we really even knew how much we would need his community praying?! He cares for us even more than we know to ask for.

My mom expressed to my Dad the first few days after learning about the tumors that a big question of "Why?" seemed to float over her head. God answered that question early one morning by bringing Francis and Edith Schaeffer to her mind.  She did some research and found out that Edith wrote a book called Affliction in 1978.  She downloaded the book and the first sentence in the preface said “Everyone has struggled with the question Why? in the midst of his own or someone else’s misery or difficulty.”.  The insight she provides from the book has really been an answer to prayer for our family. 

Lastly, our whole family was able to pile up on my parent's bed last night and pray for Dad. This was such a sweet time to be together and ask God to do big things through this situation. One of my old coworkers from my church in Austin had shared a verse that she prayed over her sister when she had cancer recently. This verse really became a sort of battle cry for us. It says (with a couple human additions for temporary context), “May we shout for joy over your victory  and lift up our banners in the name of our God…Some trust in chariots and some in horses [or doctors, chemo, radiation…], but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20. Jesus, thank you for giving us words to pray when there aren't any!

What an awesome God we serve! "Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21 (NLT).

We are so grateful for each of you! I know I feel a lot like Moses having his arms lifted up by Aaron and Hur so that Israel would win the battle(Exodus 17:8-16) with all the prayers that are being sent on behalf of us!


The Robertsons

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